Friday, January 3, 2020

Help your teenager get healthier and happier

how to keep teenagers healthy and happy

At present great schools of India like one of the best girls residential school in dehradun, Ecole Globale prefers every child to have a good healthy and a happy life. We hear a lot concerning childhood obesity and physical activity; however, teenager fitness is simply as critical for physical and mental state. Nevertheless, it doesn't get as much attention. Rather like their parents and their very little brothers and sisters, adolescents would like 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily to remain healthy. And just like adults and younger children, teens usually fail to meet this standard. (A study showed that but 10% of high school students got their daily hour of exercise.)

But exercise has specific benefits for pre-teens and teens. It can:
  • Reduce anxiety, stress, and depression
  • Improve self-esteem
  • Boost educational performance
  • Help establish lifelong healthy habits
That's additionally to the manner fitness helps teens manage their weight, build muscle strength and bone mass, and manage blood pressure. Pretty convincing! However, rates of physical activity tend to say no as children become old. They're busier with school and friends, they're discouraged if they feel their performance doesn't measure up to their peers, and puberty will create them feel ashamed of their bodies.

Teenager Fitness options

How will parents facilitate teens to get more exercise? Since solely a fraction of middle and high schools offer daily physical education classes (let alone recess!), pre-teens and youths would like lots of opportunities for fitness outside of school hours. that could mean:
  • Team sports: For children, this age, organized games offer not only physical activity, however good friendships and lessons in cooperation, motivation, and staying organized. Most schools have many various sports choices, both competitive and intramural. If your child's favourite isn't offered, check out recreational leagues and community centres.
  • Individual pursuits: Team play isn't for everyone. Some pre-teens and youths like activities they'll follow on their own, like running, biking, yoga, horseback riding, or board sports. If one in all these is more your child's style, facilitate her embrace and enjoy it! Even short bursts of intense exercise are useful.
  • Everyday play and movement: Think outside of more organized workouts, lots of other physical activities will contribute to meeting that daily 65-minute goal. As like housework chores, yard work, walking or biking to high school, dancing, walking the dog, or taking part in tag with children in the neighbourhood.

Must-Dos for parents

These four methods will immensely help boost your teenager's activity level. Work on integrating them into your family daily habits.
  • Be a role model. Physically active parents tend to possess active children, too. Create time for exercise in your daily life and realize family fitness activities to share. You would possibly play tennis, take a dance class together, select a bike ride, and so on. 
  • Support your teen's fitness endeavors. Yes, driving to practices and games may be a problem; however, you'll be ready to set up a carpool plan with other parents. If equipment costs and team fees are prohibitive, speak with the coach or school guidance counselor about scholarships and sources for used gear. If you don't have a backyard or near park, consider a membership at a YMCA, Girls Club, or another fitness facility.
  • Celebrate your athlete's achievements. Tell your kid, however proud you are! Attend games and show trophies and medals. Children notice.
  • Limit screen time, television, video games, tablet and smartphone play. It's not that these activities are mostly harmful on their own. However, an excessive amount of inactive activity (more than two hours a day) crowds fitness activities out of your child's schedule.

This article is contributed by Ecole Globale girls boarding school in Dehradun.

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