Wednesday, January 29, 2020

How Can I Protect My Tween From Sexualization

How Can I Protect My Tween From Sexualization

Sexualization, once used in relation to tweens and kids, generally refers to the method of emphasizing the sexual nature of an individual. Sexualization isn't a healthy sort of sexuality. Many school and boarding schools in dehradun are still working to aware their students about sexuality and the relation between men and women. 
According to the study, sexualization will show up in four forms:
·     When a person's value is assumed only to come back from his or her sexiness.
·     When a baby is expected or inspired to act or dress sexually.
·     When someone is treated as a sex object instead of as an entire individual.
·     When physical characteristics are considered to be the indicator of sexiness.
·     Both girls and boys may be victims of sexualization.
The term "sexualization" is also used to talk to a kind of psychological defence mechanism in which people use sexual behaviour as a means of managing their anxiety.
Ecole globale, boarding school said that in our culture, and especially as a result of pop culture and other forms of media, it will appear impossible to avoid adopting the mentality in which you equate sexuality with self-worth. Advertisement operates under the maxim that "sex sells." Magazines hand out sex tips, and headlines abound promoting articles that promise to form you look thinner, sexier and curvier. Entire industries bank on the inevitability that their client can realize they have fixed and all of these messages are perpetuated on tv and within the movies.
It looks nearly impossible to avoid adopting this mindset, even unconsciously.
Protecting Your Teen From Sexualization
You can stop buying into the sexualization of teens in particular by avoiding all of the media hype.
You can also avoid the sexualization of your teen by helping them study healthy sexuality at a younger age, and by teaching them that they're such a lot more than their look, so much more than what proportion sexual activity they need or haven't engaged in.
In fact, the sooner you start teaching your kid concerning healthy sexuality, the higher their sense of self-worth will be, and also the higher their confidence and self-esteem are going to be. They'll even be more possible to form smart decisions concerning sex, or sexual issues once the time comes. They'll even be higher able to protect themselves from sexual predators.​
We are sexual beings from the moment we are born. Begin educating your kid and yourself today so that they'll create the proper decisions tomorrow.
This article is contributed by Ecole Globale International School.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Budget Friendly Extracurricular Activities for Tweens

Budget Friendly Extracurricular Activities for Tweens
Many parents recognize that extracurricular activities come with several advantages. They'll facilitate your tween learn new skills, build new friends, destress from school, and even discover a hidden talent or life-long passion. However, the truth is several extracurricular activities are very high-priced, and not each family will work their price tag into the budget. So many schools established in Dehradun and they provide budget-friendly education. Here are several boarding schools in dehradun and they do great work in the educational field.

The good news is many after-school activities are budget-friendly, and still offer equivalent benefits. If your kid hopes to participate in an outside activity, but money is a difficulty, consider the ideas below.
Budget-Friendly after school Activities
School Sponsored Activities: several  boarding school supply a variety of school-sponsored activities, as well as sports clubs, theatre, chorus or student government. Make sure you and your tween investigate activities offered by your child's school as these options are typically free or nearly free. Some of the activities may be seasonal, which might give your tween the opportunity to participate in many activities throughout the school year.
And, if your kid's school doesn't offer a club or organization that interests him or her, don't quit. Many schools are willing to permit students to begin their own clubs or intramural sports groups as long as there's an interest, the club is open to everyone, and an educator or other adult is willing to support or supervise the group. Different school choices would possibly include volunteering to help lecturers, coaches or different workers in the workplace, work, or school library or audiovisual (AV) department.
Consider Civic or Youth Organizations: whereas several after-school activities will indeed cost hundreds, even thousands of dollars to participate, many options are much less expensive. Church youth teams, and civic teams like the Girls Scouts and therefore the Boy Scouts, maybe very reasonable to families on a budget. Registration fees could also be waived for families below a certain income. Church teams will offer your tween the chance to participate in group activities, field journeys, sleepovers or lock-ins, and different fun events. Collaborating in a civic organization such as the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts can facilitate your kid to learn new skills, develop a way of responsibility, and enjoy outdoor sports and different outdoor activities.
Consider a Home Approach: while joining a club or different group may be great, parents should know that they'll give many of equivalent opportunities to their kid right at home. Think about organizing your own after-school club for your kid and his or her friends. The kids will set up their events and parents can act supervising or chaperoning. Enable the kids to work out ways in which to fundraise, select things to do, and realize their own club mission. The experience can offer them lots of opportunities to form a difference, learn new management skills, and discover new interests. Also, please take into account asking parents you recognize to share their talents and knowledge with the club. You'll raise one parent to help the kids learn how to bake, and another to point out them regarding gardening, craft, or teach them lawn tennis or football.
Consider Volunteerism: Your tween will build a distinction in your community and learn new skills and interests by volunteering. Search our volunteer opportunities at your church, school, or local YMCA. Your kid would possibly enjoy working special events or helping to organize a fundraiser. The experience won't price you any money, and can still facilitate your tween learn more and see things concerning him or herself. Volunteer opportunities would possibly include tutoring younger children, serving to out at the local animal shelter, visiting an area nursing home, or taking on an outsized project that will benefit the community.
Seek Out Recreation Sports Teams: Any parent that has looked into competitive sports groups or traveling sports teams is aware of however costly they're. A number of these programs price thousands of dollars, and that's before you get into the value of uniforms, food, and overnight hotel stays. However, don't abandon sports if you can't afford to participate in a very competitive league; there are different choices. Seek out recreation leagues at your native YMCA or through your local community center or field house. These leagues may be a good learning experience for beginners and provide additional knowledgeable and skilled players with the prospect to help different players, and maybe to assist coach or referee.
 This article is contributed by Ecole Globale International School.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Life Skills Your Discipline Should Teach Your Children

Discipline shouldn't be about punishing children for misbehavior. Instead, the rewards and consequences you offer ought to be focused on teaching your children the life skills they have to become accountable adults.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't provide your children with negative consequences. Consequences are often great lecturers.

Your discipline ought to teach your children a way to do better next time; thus, their mistakes become valuable learning opportunities.

Here are six life skills your discipline ought to teach your child:

1. Self-Discipline

Your discipline methods ought to be teaching your children life skills.

Nagging children to do their preparation, not giving them chores, or continuously rescuing them from difficult tasks won't teach self-discipline. Instead, doing too much for your kid can reinforce his dependence on you.

The ultimate goal ought to be to work yourself out of a job. Eventually, your children shouldn't like you anymore. So as for them to develop independence, however, you wish to teach self-discipline. many schools in Dehradun gives self discipline instructions to their students.

Kids ought to learn self-discipline in regards to cash, chores, preparation and time management. The most effective way to teach self-discipline is by providing consistent consequences for misbehavior as well as positive results for good behavior.

2. Social Skills

Good social talents may be a life skill which will build an enormous difference in your child's success throughout school and into adulthood. Most children need a lot of help—and practice—learning social skills.

Young children ought to find out how to share, use manners, and speak politely so that they will develop healthy friendships.

Older children usually would like to help in fine-tuning with their social skills. Asking for help, greeting new people, and handling rude behavior are just a few of the advanced skills your kids need to learn.

Identify specific social skills and manner you wish your kid to learn. Role plays a way to use those skills and provide feedback. When you catch your kid using good social skills, offer praise.

Consider social skills a work in progress. Look for teachable moments to assist your kid in understanding subtle skills, like why you would possibly speak up when someone is being picked on versus why you might stay silent when an aged person steps in front of you in line.

3. Healthy higher cognitive process

Kids don't consider problems the same way adults do. They have facilitated developing problem-solving skills and that they need to practice creating healthy choices on their own.

When your kid encounters a problem, work together to develop a good solution. Whether your kid can't decide what to wear to the birthday party, or she can't make out her mathematics problem, there are continuous opportunities to show problem-solving skills.

Guiding children without creating all their choices for them is a very important part of helping them learn to form healthy decisions. Avoid being a helicopter parent, and once it's safe to do so, enable your kid to face some natural consequences. Mistakes can be a powerful teaching tool.

4. Impulse management

Kids slowly develop impulse management as they grow older. Parents will help facilitate impulse management skills in many ways. Offering logical consequences is a method to motivate your kid to practice delayed gratification.

Praise is often another great way to assist children in managing impulses.

Praise your kid for thinking before he acts, waiting for his turn in conversations, or walking away once he feels angry.

Pre-teaching is often an excellent way to facilitate in preventing issues before they begin. For instance, before getting out of the car, tell your 4-year-old, "When we tend to get out of the car, we're going to hold hands and walk across the automobile parking space while looking out for cars." shape behavior one step at a time as your kid masters a new talent.

5. Emotion Regulation

Teaching children good ways to deal with their emotions may be a life skill that many parents overlook. Once children can't express themselves verbally, or once they don't know how to deal with uncomfortable emotions, they often throw temper tantrums or become aggressive.

Starting at a young age, teach your kid regarding feelings. The analysis shows that emotional intelligence is additional vital than intelligence quotient once it involves lifelong success.

6. Confidence

Consistent discipline may be an excellent way to assist your kid gain self-esteem and confidence. And confidence can open the door to other life skills, like being able to learn from mistakes, accept criticism, and face fears head-on.

Establish clear household rules and consistently positive and negative consequences, and your kid can understand what to expect.

When your kid feels safe, he'll be additional confident about trying new things and exploring his skills. Use positive discipline to bolster his confidence throughout the years, and he'll be prepared to take on the globe when he reaches adulthood.

This article is contributed by Ecole Globale girls residential school in dehradun.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Short-Term Effects of Bullying on Your Kid

Bullying is abusive behaviour by people with real or perceived power toward people with less power. Bullying is overt or subtle, and it will occur both in childhood and adulthood. Whereas bullying will have long impacts, it also can have immediate, short-term, recognizable outcomes, so parents prefered best school for girls in dehradun like Ecole globale The impacts of bullying are typically psychological and behavioural; however, they will even be physical.

Psychological Problems
Victims of bullying usually demonstrate a number of psychological issues, notably depression and anxiety. Women may additionally develop eating disorders after or whereas being bullied.There are the best boarding school in India for girl that offer the best education for moral values for students. Additionally, used youngsters of both sexes could develop psychosomatic problems, that are bodily complaints that don't have any physical cause. For example, victims typically suffer from headaches or stomachaches, notably before the school day begins.
Problems With Sleep
Bully victims typically have a variety of sleep problems. They will have difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep and/or obtaining their required rest on any given night. Once victims are ready to sleep, they're a lot of likely to experience nightmares than their non-victimized child. These nightmares tend him to be vivid and menacing and will or may not involve the bully.
Victims May Become Suicidal
Victims of bullying have higher rates of the suicidal case than their peers. This implies that they think about committing suicide much more typically than others their age. As several high-profile cases make clear, variety of victims follow through on these suicidal thoughts.
Problems With Peers
Victimized children conjointly suffer from lower status than non-victimized children. Social exclusion could have resulted in a child being used in the 1st place; however, it seems that rejection gets even worse after someone is bullied. As a result, victims typically feel lonely and abandoned and suffer from low self-esteem.
Issues at School
Bully victims tend to own problems with academic achievement. This primarily happens because of victims' frequent absenteeism. In fact, regarding 7% of eighth-graders reporting staying home from school a minimum of once a month to avoid being bullied. Once victims do attend school, they tend to avoid some aspects of the school, like the restrooms. Regarding 20% of middle schoolers also report feeling afraid all day in school, creating learning difficult.
  • Recognizing and Ending Bullying
    Children with special needs, physical variations, and behavioural variations are typically in danger for bullying. They're not, however, uniquely vulnerable. Even popular youngsters are also victims of bullying under certain circumstances. If your kid is exhibiting any of the symptoms listed above, and there are not any underlying health or anxiety problems that better explain those symptoms, it's a good plan to investigate.
    • Start by talking along with your kid. He or she may perhaps be willing to share bullying experiences if asked in a safe, non-judgmental setting.
    • Discuss the problem along with your child's academics, coaches, etc. If your kid cares about privacy, take care to choose a private school in dehradun , the non-school setting for your conversations.
    • If the bullying is overt, physically aggressive, or constant, there's a good chance your child's academics are well aware of the problem. There's conjointly a good chance that your kid isn't the only victim. Once this is often the case, it should be attainable to require disciplinary action to prevent bullying behaviour.
    • If the bullying is subtle, or your kid is unusually sensitive to "teasing" behaviours, you will have to be compelled to request special accommodations for your kid. Options will vary from changing seats in a particular class to the evolving classes or maybe, in extreme circumstances, changing schools.
    • If your kid continues to suffer from anxiety and alternative symptoms even after the bullying is addressed, they will have the benefit of cognitive therapy.
This article is submitted by Ecole Globale International school

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Amazing Benefits of Overnight Camp For Your Child

According to Ecole globale, every summer, teens flock to overnight camp for experiences of a lifetime. The advantages of sending a kid to an overnight camp are varied. If you think that your kid is prepared to head to summer camp this year, consider all the items he'll learn, all the skills he'll master, all the friends he'll create, and all the stories he'll share with you for the rest of the summer. Here's, however, the overnight camp will benefit your tween for years to come.
Learn Independence
The camp may be the right way for youngsters to find out a way to do things on their own, while not the assistance of protective parents or well-meaning adults. As a result of you're not there to inform your child to make his bed, brush his teeth, or consume healthy foods, he has got to remind himself, or suffer the results of the camp counselors or director. Remarkably, even the foremost dependent youngsters will learn to rely on themselves, after they spend time away from mummy and dad. And one of the advantages of exposing your tween to an overnight camp experience is that once he returns home, you'll notice that he tackles some of his daily chores and responsibilities while not your continually having to remind him. top residential schools in India also provide this kind of facility for their student's campus in which they will learn many things and also doing all the works and also helping others in their work.

Learn to work together
A good summer camp program offers way more than activities and arts and crafts. A good program additionally provides a community for your kid to join and contribute his or her abilities. This community is set up of campers, camp counselors, instructors, and also the camp director. While away at a resident camp, your teen can learn to work with other campers and acquire together with youngsters from a variety of backgrounds. For instance, campers could learn to figure together to keep their cabin clean, work together to win a camp-wide competition, or work to assist each other learn new skills. As a result, the overnight camp will facilitate youngsters hone their leadership skills and skills involving cooperation. 
Learn to slow down
Many resident camps don't allow electronic devices, cell phones, iPods, or alternative plugged-in distractions. It should sound harsh to you and your tween, however, the advantage is that without electronic toys, your kid can learn to slow down and appreciate other worthy experiences. Living life within the slow lane for a little whereas offers your kid the chance to find hobbies, discover the wonder of reading, or appreciate the beauty of all things around him.
Learn to Appreciate Small Things In Life
A week or two off from home, and all its comforts could facilitate your teen appreciate all that home provides — a warm bed, a refrigerator full of snacks, a bathroom of one's own, television, etc. A week away at a summer camp could convince your teen that life at home isn't all that bad. It's additionally possible that resident camp will facilitate your kid appreciate that all he really has to be happy is a place to sleep, healthy food, the company of a few good friends, and a caring adult to assist in guide him through life.
Learn New Skills For Life
One of the obvious advantages of summer camp is all the new skills your kid can learn. It doesn't matter if your teen attends a sports camp, an adventure camp, or a program that gives a little bit of everything, the summer camp can teach him new skills. The experience may additionally facilitate him find a hobby or a life passion that he otherwise may ne'er have known about. 
Learn to Create New Friends Easily
It may be troublesome for teenagers to go away to overnight camp after they don't know anyone else there. But a good program can build it straightforward for teenagers to seek out friends fast. A camp friendly relationship could last a lifetime or solely a summer; however, either way, the camp offers youngsters the chance to broaden from their regular circle of friends and learn to connect with people in positive ways. 
Learn to Make Own Choices
Summer camp can facilitate your kid to learn how to create choices. What ought to I eat for lunch? Ought to I participate in swimming or volleyball? Ought to I choose the top or lower bunk? Ought to I spend all my money on the very 1st day of camp? As a result of camp counselors generally don't hover the means that oldsters are known to do, your kid is responsible for making many decisions on his own. And that's excellent follow for the teenager years ahead, which provide responsible decision-making opportunities each day.
Learn to Appreciate Parents
It's simple to require parents for granted, and tweens are particularly talented at assuming mummy and dad exist only for their convenience. However, a tween who spends a week or two away at the overnight camp could learn to appreciate his parents do for him. The little extras like creating his favorite dishes for dinner, or driving him to and from soccer practice, may suddenly be appreciated.
most of the parents really want that their child should be well-disciplined, always helps others and give respect to their elders that's why most of the working parents send their kids in one of the best boarding schools they include all the facilities till 1-year fees boarding school never ask extra money from their parents 
This Article Is  Contributed By Ecole Globale International School

Monday, January 20, 2020

Fun Pedometer Games and Activities for Your Kids

One of the best boarding school, Ecole Globle says that, on its own, a pedometer may be an efficient motivating tool for adults; but for children, pedometer games and activities help create movement even a lot of fun. And since easy step-counters are inexpensive and simple to use, they're a superb choice for teenagers. You'll additionally check out activity trackers designed particularly for teenagers (many of that accompany built-in games). If your kid is hoping for a fancier fitness wearable, you may begin with a simpler, less costly pedometer and see how much he uses it before upgrading.
Once your children are equipped, attempt these pedometer projects together. They'll appeal to it inner competitor—or data geek—in all of you to encourage more daily activity, whether together or on an individual basis.
1. Set a Daily Step Goal
We've all heard that adults ought to try for 10,000 steps every day. Did you know that for youths, a better goal is 11,000 steps (or about 5 miles)? Move those little feet!
If your kid is just starting out with a pedometer or doesn't sometimes accumulate this many steps in one day, set interim goals first and work up to the final goal of 12,000 steps.
Otherwise, she might get frustrated and need to give up too quickly.
2. Take a visit
How long would it take you to walk to India Gate, or Taj Mahal, or Juhu Beach? Use your pedometer to find out! Chart daily steps on a map or graph and goal for a lofty, distant goal. (To add math learning to the current activity, measure your child's stride length thus you know precisely how many steps he takes per mile, then convert the mileage to your destination into steps.) You may want to celebrate exciting milestones like reaching your 100,000th, or even 1,000,000th, step, too!
3. Check Special-Occasion Mileage
Be sure to have your children clip on their pedometers on days after you know they'll be doing a lot of walking: when you go hiking, visit a theme park or zoo, or perhaps head out for trick-or-treating.
4. Establish a Family Challenge
Turn step-tracking into a family game. You'll choose to compete against each other or work together toward a standard goal—whichever one is more motivating for your crew.
5. Try to Win a Prize.
With several pedometers and associated programs, steps (and alternative physical activity) magically turn into both virtual and real-life prizes. Accumulating points or other bonuses might be a joint family effort.
6. Predict the future
See if you'll guess how long it'll take you to go 1,000 steps, or what number steps it's from your front door to your favorite slide at the park, or whether walking, running, or other activities earn you the most steps. Get creative!
7. Go Orienteering
Parents can do some advance prep for this treasure hunt-style activity, but children can love it. Plot out a blueprint based on step count and landmarks, like this: "From the start line, walk straight ahead concerning one hundred fifty steps. Then turn ninety degrees to the left and walk forty steps. " Reward a simple prize (like a sticker) for finishing the course.
8. Find a Geocache
Geocaching is another treasure hunt choice, one that doesn't need advance preparation (except for downloading the free Geocaching app). ​​
9. Play Tag
Running around during a good game of chase will undoubtedly earn your kid a lot of steps. You'll even set up a contest to see which type of tag yields the most steps. Try making predictions beforehand so comparing your results after the games.
This Article Is Contributed By Ecole Globale boarding schools in dehradun