Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Media Literacy Includes Teaching the Power of Persuasive Language

Power of Persuasive Language

Recent news articles regarding fake news and "alternative facts" create it clear that media literacy is a necessary skill we should be building in our classrooms.

Beyond deciding what's real or fake, students ought to understand how persuasive language affects their media experience. That begins with helping them develop rhetorical insight on; however, word choice and tone affect an audience's emotional reaction to the documents they read. (After all, persuasive language goals to trigger a response.)

As per the Ecole Globale, understanding the emotional weight of word choice considerably improves students' ability to have to interact with media critically. This is often the primary step toward learning the power (and danger) of persuasive writing, which in turn enhances them to learn to use it properly in their school assignments. Top schools in India such as Ecole Globale in this field assist students to become proficient in persuasive writing in a good way. Click here to learn more about it.

Denotation vs. connotation

As children learn to decode and compose writing, academics focus primarily on denotation — the literal definition of a word. We ask ourselves: Do children understand what the word means and how to use it?

According to boarding school in India, that's an essential beginning, but as students begin to do research and employ persuasive language in assignments, they have to take the additional step of learning connotation — what words imply except for their literal meaning. Many words have emotional associations, be they positive or negative, that facilitate students to see pathos or the emotional power of writing. Persuasive writing attempts to use this emotional reply to move the reader to act. That is what makes it thus powerful and why students ought to perceive how it works.

Teaching students regarding persuasion start with loaded language: words with such important connotations that they unfairly skew a reader's experience. The subsequent lessons facilitate students to explore word choice and reflect on the persuasive language around them.

A simple start: word sort

Often children have an intuitive sense of whether words are good, bad, or neutral, which helps set the stage for conversations regarding persuasive language.

For this lesson, give children cards or name tags with sortable words that carry positive, negative, or neutral notations. Enchanted Learning has pros and cons vocabulary lists that are useful. Maybe, one meaning across the three categories might be: indistinct (neutral), soft (positive), and boring (negative). Once children have received their labels, have them self-sort into positive, negative, and neutral groupings.

Request that the small group come to a consensus on the people/words they include, and develop a proof to share with the class. Begin a group discussion of how/why words were enclosed or excluded. Once students have finished, provides a short reading to the teams and have them rewrite it using neutral, positive, or negative language. Then have small groups share their work with the entire class.

Experience and vision

This lesson helps children see the influence of individual experience on how people see and describe the world.

To begin, have children create an imaginary character, disposition, and mood. Sharing a mood chart or perhaps an emoji keyboard will facilitate them to pick their character's mood. Then show the class the picture of a neutral landscape and ask them to spend ten minutes writing an outline of that scene from their character's point of view without disclosing their adopted attitude.

Place children in groups of four or five and have them share their writing, whereas withholding their character and mood. Have the rest of the small group use the clues they notice on word choice to guess the book author's character and mood.

After guessing, have the book authors disclose their characters and feelings and encourage teams to assist every author in revising their writing to increase the persuasive, descriptive language. If possible, show each the image and also the student samples, so that they have a visual angle of vision and also the influence of emotion on language choice.

Loaded language in multiple voices

For older children who are familiar with a positive and negative tone and word choice, consider a more advanced assignment.

For this exercise, have children read one positive, one negative and one neutral article about a single event. Don't label the pieces as positive, negative, or neutral. Assign this as schoolwork, requiring students to annotate the items looking for similarities, differences, and potentially loaded language.
Raise them to circle words they believe carry emotional notation. Splitting children into groups, assign one article to each group. Have them brainstorming their notes with each other and prepare to lead the class in a discussion of their article.

Once the class is finished, have every child jot down a brief reflection exploring how their understanding of the event was affected by reading three items and the way they'll are limited, having read only one.

Consistency is key

However, students find out about word choice and tone, remind them to be vigilant in identifying positive and negative connotations in word choice. Outside of regular lessons, encourage them to examine word selection in their textbooks, lessons, and even their own commentary.
Persuasive language is designed to urge individuals to take action. Whether or not the language is positive or negative, readers would like a deep awareness of how it reveals an author's intent.
These conversations encourage students to examine the emotional impact of word choice consistently, so their persuasive language will be effective but fair.

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