Saturday, January 23, 2021

Is Increasing Global Warming A Sign Of World Destruction?

Global warming has become a major topic for the teachers and students of boarding school in dehradun  because if students remain aware regarding the effects of global warming then they are more focused on planting trees. There are various causes of global warming like volcanic eruptions, excessive use of automobiles, fossil fuels which lead to an increase in the level of carbon dioxide. Deforestation also which is cutting down of trees in large number is also a major cause of global warming. Global warming has melted our ice glaciers and sheets. There is an expansion of warmer seas. It has also caused a threat to life in the form of widespread floods, earthquakes and extreme hot and cold weather conditions. Emission of various gases like chlorofluorocarbons, nitrous oxide etc. and human activities which adds more and more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere which traps more and more heat. 

Due to mining and cattle rearing also, there is an increase in global warming as methane gas is released from it into the atmosphere. Due to industrial production, various harmful pollutants are released into the air. Increase in the number of occurrence of natural disasters is also the cause of global warming.


  1. One of the obvious effects of global warming is the melting of glaciers and ice-caps. This leads to a rise in sea level, and ocean’s water becomes less salty. 

  2. Changes in rainfall, snow pattern

  3. In many areas rainfall has increased and in some have decreased.

  4. High wildlife extinction rate- Animals like fish, birds and mammals are on the verge of extinction due to climate change, pollution and many other factors.

  5. Increase in pollution- Due to a large number of vehicles emitting harmful pollutants into the air, making it polluted. 

  6. High temperature- rise in temperature has to lead to an increase in floods, earthquakes and droughts, heatwaves etc. There is also a change in the pattern of weather.


  • Create awareness among people through protests, demonstrations or social media. 

  • Encourage the government to take some steps by making some laws or rules and regulations related to the environment to save it.

  • Use renewable energy which generates from wind and solar energy. It’s beneficial for the environment.

  • Use energy-efficient appliances which save energy, and there will be less emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

  • Save water by not wasting it while brushing your teeth or taking a long bath. Save it for future generations as life without water is impossible.

  • Drive fuel-efficient cars to save money and fuel and to decrease the emission of harmful pollutants into the atmosphere.

  • Recycling can reduce the effect of global warming reusing plastic bags, bottles and papers, glass etc. 

  • Planting of more and more trees as they can improve temperature on the Earth and can prevent sudden climate change.

It can be a sign of world destruction if it’s not prevented. The rapid increase in climate change has caused many problems like the rise in the water level of the sea can cause heavy loss of life and property. Polluted air can cause serious health problems for human beings. Cutting down of trees and forests can cause harm to animals who lose their habitat. Heavy emission of harmful pollutants into the air can lead to an increase in pollution, which can have a harmful effect on the health of human beings. The occurrence of natural disasters has increased like floods, earthquakes, droughts, which brings a huge loss of life and property for human beings. If this situation continued to exist, then the end of the world is near.

Various boarding school in india gives Global warming education to their students. From today’s scenario, we can say that our mother Earth is sick and we human beings need to heal it. We need to prevent it for our future generations. We need to conserve our natural resources like water, minerals, soil etc. Necessary and required steps have to be taken by the government and people to protect the environment and mother Earth.

Global warming basically refers to the rapidly increasing Earth’s temperature. It has changed Earth’s climate. Global warming is primarily due to excessive release of greenhouse gases as people burn fossil fuels. Due to global warming, there is a change in rainfall patterns, the arrival of seasons and extreme weather. It’s harmful both for humans and Earth. Certain gases in the atmosphere allow the heat of sunlight to get trap in the atmosphere, thus causing an increase in the temperature of the Earth.

1 comment:

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